How to install Salto emulator?

Salto Emulator

In this tutorial, we will see how to install Salto emulator. It is an emulator of Xerox Alto.



Salto is a very old piece of software, and does not compile on modern distributions. We suggest using ContrAlto emulator instead, especially on Linux. If you really want, you can install it in two ways:

  • Build it on an old distribution running in a VM or container
  • Run it using Wine

Building it on old distribution

I successfully built the Salto emulator on Ubuntu 14.04 distrobox. To build it, first we need to install some dependencies. On Ubuntu 14.04 you can install them using the following command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl1.2-dev flex bison

On other distributions, the packages should be similarly named. Then, you can clone the repo, and build it. Salto does not have any official repo, but there is a third-party one on GitHub. To stop it from getting lost, we also maintain a fork of it. We will use our fork here.

git clone

cd salto


After it has finished compiling, move the entire salto folder to wherever you want to store it.


You can also run Salto using Wine. Since, there are many wine distributions and front-ends, we are not going to cover it. You are on your own. We recommend you to try ContrAlto emulator instead. If you really want to run Salto using Wine, see the Windows instructions below for some pointers.


You can download a zip file containing the emulator from Toasty Teach:

Move the extracted folder wherever you want to store it.

Now you can follow the VirtualHub tutorial which required this emulator.


There isn't much documentation available.


Video tutorial

Do you want to follow the tutorial by watching a video? We will post a video on our youtube channel soon.

Archives of this tutorial are available on Wayback Machine.

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